
Alpha’s client was a recent mid-cap spinoff in an industry that was about to undergo significant growth. This client had used a purely quantitative and software-based approach in the past, and wanted a more sophisticated and tailored answer to its targeting needs. Most importantly, the client wanted a targeting solution that would maximize its IR efforts and reduce management’s time spent at conferences and non-deal roadshows (NDRs).



Alpha first held a series of due diligence sessions with the leadership team to better understand the Company’s three-to-five year plan and projected growth strategy. Next, we evaluated the composition of the current shareholder base and its ability to support that vision. Several current growth investors were identified and prioritized as having significant buying potential (i.e. “low hanging fruit”), while others were identified as being at-risk of future sale based on being a poor fit for the future vision. Lastly, Alpha used its proprietary targeting methodology that included both quantitative and qualitative inputs to identify over 50 institutional shareholders with a long-term focus.

Our team pre-qualified each of these targets to determine their overall level of interest in the stock and to identify the key contact(s)/fund(s) at each institution.  This work was organized into a tracking tool that could be updated on a quarterly basis and scored at yearend.

The yearend feedback from our client was extremely favorable, as they acknowledged that it was the first year they didn’t see the same investors at every conference or waste significant time with small hedge fund friends of the sell-side. Most of the new buyers of the stock one year later were members of Alpha’s targeting list. Our client’s confidence in Alpha’s program led to a long-term partnership which we’re grateful for today.


About Alpha IR Group: 

The Alpha IR Group is a holistic investor relations and transactions/crisis advisory firm that protects, enhances and builds the investment brands of America’s leading companies. We bring significant Wall Street, financial, and large agency experience to our clients, while retaining a small company, holistic approach. With deep sector expertise and senior-driven programs, Alpha IR is the right choice to manage our clients’ reputations, credibility, and ultimately, their valuation. The firm has offices in Chicago, New York, and Boston and represents over $100 billion of equity value trading on today’s public exchanges.